turtle Star

 download pydroid 3 app

then follow this code:

from turtle import * # initialize all from turtle library (* indicate all property)

import colorsys # another library which includes different colors

bgcolor('black') #turtle background blcak (if you want change it to other color)

speed(0) # turtle speed(here you can handle turtle speed )

hideturtle()   # it hides turtle movement

hue = 0.0  # its a variable

for i in range(400):  # it decleres range of turtle number of moves

    color=colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(hue,1,1)  # here color is the variable ,it stores the property of colorsys module,hue
    pencolor(color) # here swap the color variable with turtle

    hue+=0.005 # (+= 0.005 it display different colors) if you not use this value  it appear red color

    fd(i) # it indicate forward move of turtle

    rt(20*100)  # it indicate right move of turtle

done() # stop the turtle

without colorsys library

try this:

from turtle import *


for i in range(400):



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