flower design python

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go to terminal install module colorsys

command for install module  -> pip install colorsys

after install module write python code:

from turtle import * # initialize all from turtle library ( * indicate all)
import colorsys # colorsys another library (it includes different colors)

speed(0) # turtle speed
bgcolor('black') # turtle background black (here you can change the color)
hue=0.0 # variable
hideturtle() # hide turtle
pensize(2) # size of turtle (change the value and try )

for i in range(185): # its a loop provide obj range (change value and check )

    color=colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(hue,1,1) # variable color, it stores colorsys properties
    pencolor(color) # turtle color, color variable includes property of colorsys
    circle(190-i,90) # turtle circle value (if you want change the value and try)
    lt(90) # turtle turn left direction
    lt(10) # turtle turn left (change the value and try then you understand better)
    hue+=0.005 # (+=0.005) it make different colours in turtle

done() # stop the turtle


from turtle import *


for i in range(185):  

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